Seemingly Unrelated, an Introduction

My name is Mike Norman. I’ve created this space to write down things that move me, things that I want to keep ownership of, and things that are too long to be put in a Facebook post, or too involved for a Facebook audience. In short, it’s a blog. I will find it fascinating. You can come along for the ride, if you want!

The name of this blog, Seemingly Unrelated, is less a promise than a tendency; I’ve been pulling together ideas that initially seem rather disparate, but end up not just related, but illuminatingly so. I mean, I’m no James Burke, but I’ll try to hold your attention. The inspiration for the name came from what will soon be the first “real” post, a consideration of chirped pulse amplification lasers, nuclear fusion, Hacker News, online awfulness, newsworthiness, some hypotheses about what we might describe as the human desire to make sense of things, et (incomprehensibly) cetera. (In retrospect, a couple of those things seem possibly less unrelated than when I thunk ’em up. Time will tell.) The seed of that idea was merely that I wondered to myself, Why isn’t there more news about HB11 Energy? The sleuthing, and concomitant machinations, that ensued ranged over at least the themes I listed. Neat, huh? Well, that’s the kind of thing I promise to give you on the regular hope to provide, at intervals, with some reliability.

At the very least, I’ll get to hear my keyboard clicking. Wish us luck!

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